Re: Unicode chinese ttf used in ArcInfo

From: Bjorn Brox (
Date: Wed Aug 27 1997 - 02:04:51 EDT

Eric Cheung wrote this:
> I am finding vendors who provide chinese TrueType font encoded in
> unicode (specific ID = 1) and MicroSoft (Platform ID = 3).
Try the free unicode font Cyberbit from Bitstream.

You can also download free chinese fonts in the lanuage packs from Microsoft.
(Ms Hei).

Bjorn Brox,, CORENA A/S,
P.O.Box 1024, Kongsberg Naeringspark, N-3601 Kongsberg, NORWAY
Phone: +47 32737435, Fax: +47 32736877, Mobile: +47 92638590

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