On the other hand if the Unicode Consortium/ISO held out against the
tide of presentation forms it might force software developers to support
intelligent fonts...an inconvenience well worth it!
The representative of a U.K. company specialising in the sale of
International fonts recently told me they offered NO OpenType fonts.
Maurice Bauhahn
Michael Everson wrote:
> Ar 11:49 -0700 1999-07-04, scríobh John Cowan:
> >Nobody is arguing for that: "dotlessj" is a perfectly legitimate
> >*glyph* that should be present in Latin fonts. But that is not
> >the same as making it a *character*. Unicode has "promoted" too
> >many glyphs to characters already (the Arabic presentation forms,
> >the ligatures, etc.) and doesn't need to make matters worse.
> I don't suppose one character would be so dreadful.
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