Unicodd 3.0 Press Statement

From: James E. Agenbroad (jage@loc.gov)
Date: Mon Jan 24 2000 - 09:19:58 EST

                                     Monday, anuary 24, 2000
Can we agree that "Unicode assigns codes to the characters of all the
world's current written languages"? (or "virtually all"]

          Jim Agenbroad ( jage@LOC.gov )
     The above are purely personal opinions, not necessarily the official
views of any government or any agency of any.
Phone: 202 707-9612; Fax: 202 707-0955; US mail: I.T.S. Dev.Gp.4, Library
of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20540-9334 U.S.A.

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