Re: New Unicode blurb

From: Frank da Cruz (
Date: Mon Jan 24 2000 - 16:21:32 EST

> I wonder what kind of UTF-8 support they put into kermit and xterm. Do
> they support RFC 2066 ?
> ( ?
xterm is not a Telnet client.

Kermit does not support the Telnet Charset Option, and I doubt that we
ever will. One problem with it is that the Telnet client is not
necessarily the terminal emulator. The terminal emulator needs to
know what's going on and needs to handle (or not handle) character-set
conversion itself. Kermit already does this, no matter whether it's a
Telnet client, or dialing a modem, or making an X.25 connection, or
whatever else.

When RFC2066 first appeared we wrote a detailed commentary on it which
was ignored, as most comments on RFCs are.

I can elaborate if anybody is interested.

- Frank

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