Re: Fonts that support the ORNL rendering of Tamil?

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Mon Oct 30 2000 - 14:14:52 EST

Replace "tusk" with "trunk" :-)

> Since Tamil has been encoded in Unicode, the ORNL rendering (which is
> described in 9.6.5 of TUS 3.0) has been the only one "officially"
> although most fonts, from Arial Unicode MS to Latha and others seem to not
> support it. I just tried Code2000 and several other fonts suggested to me,
> they all seem to do the simple reordering (logical <anything> + AI becomes
> visual AI + <anything>).
> ORNL is that thing that looks like an elephant tusk, which you can see on
> page 232 of TUS 3.0.
> This is fine, since most people who use the language do not want it anyway
> (<g>), but I just wonder if there are any fonts that support it? It seems
> that all of the vendors have gone with the customers instead of the
> standard?
> michka
> a new book on internationalization in VB at

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