At 04:20 PM 4/5/2001 +0200, Berthold Frommann wrote:
> > Unicode-based encodings, by themselves, only give access some of these
> > glyphs. The other glyhs are mostly variants, and there are many Unicode
> > values that map to multiple glyphs. Some glyphs do not have a
> > corresponding Unicode character code.
>Well, does anybody know how many actual *characters* are contained in these
>fonts (glyph variants not counted)?
9,772 Unicode characters. (This answer applies specifically to the
Adobe-Japan1-4 glyph complement, and fonts that contain that glyph
complement. Specification is at
The answer comes from counting the entries in the UniJIS-UCS2-H CMap file at
>Does it support the entire JIS X 0213 set (which would imply use of plane 1
>ie. surrogate pairs)?
>Furthermore, which types of glyph variants are there in these fonts?
See Adobe Technote #5078, "Adobe-Japan1-4 Character Collection for
CID-Keyed Fonts", Sections 1 (Introduction) and 7 (Additional Glyphs for
the Adobe-Japan1-4 Character Collection), at
'In order to satisfy the needs of professional and commercial printing in
Japan, a wide variety of character and glyph sets were studied. These
included common vendor extensions, proprietary glyph sets, common "Gaiji"
sets, and other Japanese character sets. Adobe-Japan1-4 is not intended to
be a "Gaiji Solution," but rather is designed to meet most of the
professional and commercial printing needs in Japan. Put simply, the
Adobe-Japan1-4 character collection is specifically designed to allow very
sophisticated users to compose complex documents, with a minimum use of
"Gaiji" fonts.'
--Jim DeLaHunt, Interim Head, Type Development
Adobe Systems Incorporated
M/S W-08, 345 Park Ave, San Jose, CA 95110-2702
email:, tel: +1-408-536-2690
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