Patrick Andries wrote about...
>Subject: How many noncharacters, unassigned and private area code points in 3.1.
> Where can I find out (I don't really want to rely on my primitive arithmetic
> skills ;-)) these statistics for Unicode 3.1 ?
> How many noncharacters ?
> How many unassigned code points ?
> How many private area code points ?
Kenneth Whistler "did the math" on this in his letter of
>BTW, if anyone was wondering where I came up with the
>figure 880,325 reserved unassigned code points for Unicode
>3.1, here are the complete statistics for Unicode 3.0 and
>Unicode 3.1:
>Unicode: U 3.0 U 3.1
>BMP Alphas/Symbols 10236 10238
>Suppl Alphas/Symbols 1691
>Han (URO) 20902 20902
>Han (Ext A) 6582 6582
>Han (Ext B) 42711
>Han Compat 302 302
>Suppl Han Compat 542
>Hangul Syllables 11172 11172
>Subtotal 49194 94140
>BMP Private Use 6400 6400
>Suppl Private Use 131068 131068
>Surrogate Code Points 2048 2048
>Controls 65 65
>BMP Noncharacters 2 34
>Suppl Noncharacters 32 32
>BMP Reserved 7827 7793
>Suppl Reserved 917476 872532
>The total number of code points accounted for
>here is 1,114,112 (= 17 x 64K), i.e.
Best regards,
James Kass.
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