When looking at a document would it be safe to assume that if you found any
of the following Byte Order Marks
* 0xFFFE (UCS-2 Little Endian)
* 0xFEFE (UCS-2 Big Endian)
* 0xEFBBBF (UTF-8)
That the document is encoded with that encoding format. That means that if I
found the first 3 octets to be EF BB EF could I assume I am dealing with a
UTF-8 Document.
Apart from UTF and Unicode/UCS encoding formats do any other "legacy"
character sets use Byte Order Marks?
Tomas McGuinness Consultant
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> University Technology Park * +353 21 4933 277
> Curraheen Rd, Cork * +353 21 4933 201
> * tomas.mcguinness@cmg.nl
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> CMG Telecom Products Division
> Product Development, Cork
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------
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