RE: Unicode editing

From: Marco Cimarosti (
Date: Thu Apr 12 2001 - 12:39:02 EDT

I must correct a couple of blunders in my previous mail. Sorry about this.

But a plain "sorry" is so inappropriate these days, so please allow me to
say: "regret", "wan xi", "yihan", "very sorry", "baoqian", "qian yi",
"apologies", "we apologize", "daoqian".
This rich apology vocabulary is taken from today's Italian newspapers (e.g. and news agencies (e.g.
, and it's the whole day that I'm waiting to do or say something silly in
order to use it. :-)

1st blunder:
> But if it is LTR, it will go in level 0 run, and it also
> causes the "reverse bidi algorithm" to generate embedding
> controls because of the level of the space on the right side of "x":
> Logical order: quick wafting x<RLE>VEX BOLD <PDF>
> Visual order: quick wafting x DLOB XEV
> Levels: 000000000000000111111111

This won't work, because of rule L1.3 in the bidi alg. The logical order
corresponding to that visual order should be:

         Logical order: quick wafting xVEX BOLD <RLM>

By the way, this is introduces the need for the "reverse bidi algorithm" to
also generate RLM or LRM characters in some cases.

Another case is when a RTL string starts with a LTR character (or vice
versa): a RLM (or LRM) must be inserted at the beginning of the logical
string to fit rule P2 in the bidi alg.

2nd blunder (and 3rd, if you consider English):
> Logical order: (undetermined until the level of "%"
> is not assigned)
> Visual order: quick wafting ! DLOB XEV
> Levels: 00000000000000_111111111 (paragraph level: 0)

I meant 'undetermined until the level of "!" is assigned'.

_ Marco

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