Re: benefits of unicode

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Fri Apr 13 2001 - 17:47:01 EDT

From: "John Cowan" <>

> Oh sure. The point is that ISCII does exist, but Microsoft does not
> support it: therefore, if you are going to do Indic languages,
> you must have Unicode (for Microsoft environments, anyway).

Actually, this is not really true... Windows 2000 and XP both have the ISCII
code pages available. They are just not things you can set as default system
code pages. But if you are converting data from other sources, these code
pages can be very useful.

Their implementation is also a bit faster than the one I wrote back in early
1999 (if that matters to you, it did to me at the time since I was sure I
had optimized it as much as possible!).


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc.

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