ASCII adequacy (was: RE: benefits of unicode)

From: Ayers, Mike (
Date: Fri Apr 20 2001 - 12:31:10 EDT

> From: David Starner []
> Which, to the extent which this is true (show me how you plan to
> handle The Art of Computer Programming or the Dragon book, for
> example), is equally true of upper case. Capitalizing sentences is
> redundant with punctuation, and any additional information can be
> almost always be inferred from context (the best you can say for
> ASCII - on two different dingbats may a meaning that will be
> lost in ASCII, or two names seperated only by a accent.)

        Errr - my point is:

        "If you attempt to promote Unicode by saying that it now enables
adequate computing in English, you will not be well received."

        What's yours?


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