Re: Tags and the Private Use Area

From: Rick McGowan (
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 17:34:53 EDT

David Starner <> wrote:

> Most of the PUA usages seem to be stuff the UTC refuses to encode
> (Apple's logo, Klingon

First a correction: UTC has not yet, unfortunately, actually *refused* to
encode Klingon. It still sits on the books. (I think they should formally
refuse to encode Klingon, but that's my personal opinion.)

But let me re-phrase my original argument. My question is not:

    "Has anyone made a survey of things that people might use?"

but rather

    "Are people widely exchanging, for example, characters that
    are listed in the ConScript registry?"

I don't think they are. At least, they're not doing it in a widespread
enough manner to be a noticeable problem that needs to be fixed.

I'm looking for a problem to which all of these engineering solutions are
being proposed and discussed. I don't yet see anything that needs to be
solved. I see a theoretically chaotic situation, not an actually chaotic

But, maybe I'm just not in the groove, and I don't know what communities
are using these PUA characters. So I'm asking about instances and examples
of actual usage.


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