Re: Tags and the Private Use Area

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Thu Apr 26 2001 - 15:23:36 EDT

From: "William Overington" <>

> I have updated my suggestion. Here is the latest version for discussion.

Lets consider the fact that what you are looking for is summarized at the
end of your message: "I hope to gain fairly widespread agreement within the
unicode user community." I submit that this very desire is a violation of
the entire spirit of the PUA, which is about PRIVATE USE and thus widespread
acceptance is neither needed nor desired. You can attribute the frustration
you are feeling as due to this single reason more than any other.

Unicode, like any organization, can grow in response to real need. In fact,
it has done so in even core architectural ways in the past. But I would tend
to look at the way that the growth is being suggested here is not in the
best interests of Unicode or the "Unicode user community."

So actually, I have a better suggestion at this point. One that would meet
the burden of the test that Rick McGowan has made and also one that would
satisfy the crotchety folks like me who insist that this really not a route
that any of the fine minds on the Unicode List should even be considering.

(What the unfine minds do is of course their own business, but I do not
classify any of the people in this particular conversation as being in that

Let us wait and find an ACTUAL example of a TRUE situation where a PUA
encoding is needed that the existing mechanism is not enough. Let the brave
soul who has been forced by the circumstances of fate to deal with this
complex issue come forward and explain how their circumstance and the reason
that the existing PUA mechanism which requires a mutual understanding and a
private agreement is so inadequate.

No one in this group is UNREASONABLE. But I do think a lot more mindshare is
going to a problem that is THEORETICAL rather than real. And all of us can
probably find useful ways to use Unicode as it stands and then as real needs
come up we can find ways to extend Unicode to meet those real needs. There
are more than enough problems to solve that actually exist that it is almost
insulting that we are off inventing problems that we think might be
important but have no clearcut case of need that is made.

This will be my final plea here, as even though I do not classify myself as
one of those "fine minds" that I referred to earlier I do have many real
problems with actual scripts that I have true customers for, and I think
they deserve my attention much more than the problems that we are concerned
may exist.


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc.

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