Cutting to the chase (was Re: Tags and the Private Use Area)

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Sat Apr 28 2001 - 16:19:45 EDT

From: "William Overington" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: Tags and the Private Use Area

> The quote is an excerpt from a sentence.

Well, you did manage to go on for quite a bit. Since you were able to pick
apart things I said at both the very start and then again at the very end
that you read the whole message that I posted. So I will assume that you
read the middle part, which included a polite form of the traditional "put
up, or shut up" type challenge: I asked you to come up with an exact
customer scenario rather than a desire to stretch the Unicode standard in a
direction that is only theoretically useful but has no true and actual

I might have been too subtle, so I will state the "challenge" (such as it
is) more clearly, so that you cannot ignore it in favor of 5000 words on
superfluous procedural rules of what e-mail address should be used. :-)


Give an ACTUAL scenario that requires this thing you wish to see discussed.
There is more than enough in the way of actual scenarios that anythin which
does not have such a scenario becomes slightly less important than
EVERYTHING ELSE in which folks here would have an interest.

If there is no such scenario, then why not involve your obviously fine
intellect in some of those real problems? In other words, help clear the
backlog of work rather than try to create work without proof that it is even
needed? Once we clear all of those things up, we will be bored and can
certainly move on to all of the theoretical matters that might be out there.

Not too much to ask, is it? :-)


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc.

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