Where is this done for swedish? I have read both the TN and the SIS
standard, and I dont believe these say something on sorting
ü according to either German or Dutch sounds. Rolf Gavare does not
say something along this either, as far as I can remember.
Kind regards
On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 07:09:34PM +0200, Stefan Persson wrote:
> There is a similar problem with Swedish:
> Our alphabet goes:
> a
> ...
> u
> v & w (no difference made)
> x
> y
> z
> å
> ä (the Danish/Norwegian "æ" is also sorted as "ä")
> ö (the Danish/Norwegian "ø" is also sorted as "ö")
> The German character "ü" is pronunciated as a Swedish "y," so when any
> German name or loan word containing that character occurs in Swedish it
> should be sorted as "y." However, if any "ü" occurs in a Dutch loan word it
> is considered as an "u" with umlaut and is sorted as "u."
> The same goes for "ä" and "ö": If they are the Swedish/Finnish/German
> letters "ä" and "ö" they are sorted after "å," if they are the Dutch letters
> "a" with umlaut and "o" with umlaut, they're sorted as "a" and "o" in a
> Swedish encyclopædia.
> In Swedish the Danish/Norwegian letter "æ" is sorted as "ä," while the
> Latin/Icelandic letter "æ" is sorted as "ae."
> Stefan
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