Re: Smiles, faces, etc

From: Falkor (
Date: Fri Feb 15 2002 - 08:35:17 EST

On 2/15/02 3:05 AM, "Doug Ewell" <> wrote:

> Harry Davis a.k.a. "Falkor" <> wrote:
>> There are two face characters in the Miscellaneous group.
> Actually, three: U+2639, U+263A, and U+263B. (Not to mention U+3020.)

Yes, I saw those three... Smile, Frown, Black Smile. I'll hunt down 3020
later :)

> Sounds like we have a potential Bytext user:
> (pages 31-33)
I was unaware of that. But even at that (after I looked at it) it has some
things that even I, having brought up this silly topic, consider silly.
(e.g. Left-handed faces)

>> Like 'em or hate 'em, those " :) " are here to stay. ...and there's
> at
>> least twelve easily identifiable faces in common use on the internet.
> Basically, no more than about four of these are really useful,
> You can always try submitting a proposal, of course, but I just don't
> think user demand is that high for U+xxxx DROOLING FACE.

I agree with you on that one. I have yet to drool online, and haven't
drooled offline in a good 30 years. ...and things like chef's hats, bowties
and breasts wouldn't be part of it, as they don't convey tone of voice but
are the creations of dOoDs who think they look K3WL.

--Harry Davis

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