RE: B-dash

From: Robert (
Date: Mon Apr 01 2002 - 23:31:46 EST

--- On Sat 03/30, Jerome Hodges IV wrote:
> Hi all,
> I wrote before about typesetting Vietnam Highlands documents, and, for
> the
> most part, all of my problems have been resolved (thanks to all who made
> suggestions). The one character I'm still missing, however, is a capital
> B
> with a dash (in the glyph, the dash is typically written through the
> bottom
> half of the vertical line). Does anyone else need this character? Does
> anyone have suggestions before I propose this as a new character in
> Unicode?
> As always, comments are greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Jerome Hodges
Hello, Jerome! The character you're referring to should be called *B-bar*; it's also used in the Padre Recuero romanization system for Ladino (there to render the *beth-rafeh*, while single *waw* is transcribed as *v*, and double *waw* is *w*). The crossbar in that letter should cross over just above midpoint (like in the letter *H-bar* used in Maltese, and in UMRE for voiced ). The font series I'm currently working on has the H-C *B-bar* in the private use zone, but it should have a proposal for inclusion in Uincode. At what open codepoint would you like to have it at?!
Thank You!

Robert Lloyd Wheelock
Augusta, ME U.S.A.

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