Re: Digraphs as Distinct Logical Units

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Thu Aug 08 2002 - 03:09:29 EDT

At 20:27 +0200 2002-08-07, Philipp Reichmuth wrote:

>The idea that it was [S tS] is AFAIK based on an older pronounciation
>in a 19th century St.Petersburg dialect and made it into the German
>transliteration that way. Since then, this pronounciation has sort of
>dogmatically remained in German textbooks on Russian :-)

When I was doing Russian years ago we were taught that the only
people who maintained the s^c^ pronunciation were women born before
the Revolution and Moscow drag queens.

I've often thought the best transliteration for this would be
s-acute, which represents the same sound in Polish orthography.

Michael Everson *** Everson Typography ***

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