Unicode Mail List Archive
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Starting: Wed Jul 31 2002 - 23:33:53 EDT
Ending: Sat Aug 31 2002 - 20:08:43 EDT
- "Missing character" glyph
- "Missing character" glyph- example
- (OT) KLEZ Virus
- 22nd Unicode Conference, Sep 2002, San Jose, CA -- Just 1 week to go!
- 22nd Unicode Conference, Sep 2002, San Jose, CA -- Just 3 weeks to go!
- [nelocsig] Unicode Consortium Plans Big Finale for Its Road Show
- [OT] cover sheet standards - summary
- [OT] google (was: cover sheet standards - summary)
- [OT] looking for electronic dictionaries
- A new word for the English language
- again cjk character look-up
- Announcement : ATypI Font Technology Forum 2002, Roma
- Any day can be April 1st? (was: An idea for keeping U+FFFC usable)
- Back to ZWJ (Was: "Missing character" glyph)
- Backward accent order
- Bengali Unicode Test Page
- click bang
- Collated lists of code points
- Digraphs as Distinct Logical Uni ts)
- Digraphs as Distinct Logical Units
- Digraphs as Distinct Logical Units )
- Digraphs as Distinct Logical Units)
- Digraphs as Distinct Logical Units]
- Discrepancy between Names List & Code Charts?
- Dots as far as the eye can see
- Double Macrons on "gh"...
- Dzongkha gets Windowsized
- egyptian example
- egyptian example -fixed
- Eleventh hour check on XML 1.1 names
- Everson Mono
- Forwarded question....
- French Justice against Catalan personal names
- Furigana
- Furigana)
- German 'ich' (was: Pronunciation of U+0429)
- GX Technology
- Hcedilla? (U+1E28)
- Hebrew support in Office.X
- International Keyboard (Mainly Hardware)
- Is Alpha-3 code for East Timor "TP" or "TL" -- thanks.
- Is U+0140 (l with middle dot) ever used?
- ISIRI 2901 to Unicode map
- Kanji in Unicode
- library for identifying equivalent sequences
- Mac Unicode question
- Making orthographies computer-ready
- Microsoft withdraws web fonts
- Microsoft withdraws web fonts - Should read "core fonts for t he web".
- new version of Keyman
- new version of Keyman)
- New version of TR29
- New version of TR29:
- New version of TR29:)
- NLS_LANG for russian characterset in UNIX
- OCR characters
- Off topic: cover sheet standards
- Osmanya script
- OT (Dutch gh-laut)
- OT Laugh for the day - I liked the title of this security related article
- OT: embedding links in PDF
- Pronunciation of U+0429
- pronunciation u+6784 ?!
- Proposal (was: "Missing character" glyph)
- Proposal for DUTR#29
- Recent changes to i18n standards
- Revised proposal for "Missing character" glyph
- Romanized Cyrillic bibliographic data--viable fonts?
- Romanized Cyrillic bibliographic data--viable fonts?)
- SC UniPad 0.99
- SC UniPad 0.99 (correct URLs)
- SC UniPad 0.99 released.
- Scripts in Unicode 4.0
- Silly proposals
- some cedillas
- Summary of Unicode/language features in Mac OS X 10.2 "Jaguar"
- Taboo Variants
- Tamil Text Messaging in Mobile Phones
- Teclado
- Teletext
- The importance of combining characters (was: French Justice a gainst Catalan personal names)
- The importance of combining characters (was: French Justice again st Catalan personal names)
- The importance of combining characters (was: French Justice against Catalan personal names)
- The mystery of Edwin U+1E9A
- The mystery of Edwin U+1E9A%26In-Reply-To=%26lt;200208142213.PAA10630@birdie.sybase.com>
- The Unicode Technical Committee meeting in Redmond, Washington State, USA.
- Tildes on vowels
- Tildes on vowels (Erkenwald)
- Tildes on Vowels)
- Tildes on vowels_
- Typing Unicode via Alt+NumPad
- Unicode Consortium Plans Big Finale for Its Road Show
- unicode example updated with several new examples
- unicode example- now with Tamil!
- Unicode mail list services restored
- unicode web server
- Unicode.org downtime reminder
- Unicode.org downtime warning
- Unicode??
- Unicode??")
- Uniscribe (derives from various threads)
- Updated Unicode Example PDF
- Western Europe and 1252
- Western Europe and 1252")
- whether ASCII for Korean language or not !!!
- Yogh vs yogh (was Tildes on vowels)
Last message date: Sat Aug 31 2002 - 20:08:43 EDT
Archived on: Sat Aug 31 2002 - 20:46:42 EDT
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: Sat Aug 31 2002 - 20:46:42 EDT