RE: Pronunciation of U+0429 (was RE: Digraphs as Distinct Logical Uni ts)

From: Marco Cimarosti (
Date: Fri Aug 09 2002 - 05:23:13 EDT

David Starner wrote:
> At 11:00 AM 8/8/02 -0700, David Possin wrote:
> >I have seen the German transliteration being 'schtsch' for
> it, English
> >would be 'shtsh' with 'sh' spoken like "sharp" in both cases. The
> >German 'ch' sound is very different.
> Shouldn't that be 'shch' for English? I've seen that before, and it
> makes more sense.

Yes, that's the normal English romanization ("Хрущёв" = "Khrushchev").

And the official Russian "scientific" transliteration is "šč" ("Хрущёв" =

This puzzles me a little bit because it seems that Russians themselves think
that the letter represent two consonants, or a glide. BTW, a Russian course
book I have at home represents the pronunciation with a sort of
Cyrillic-based IPA: letter "щ" is transcribed as "[шч]".

Perhaps the two consonants is a sort of Russian "received pronunciation",
while the ich-Laut pronunciation could be dialectal.

_ Marco

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