----- Original Message -----
From: "William Overington" <WOverington@ngo.globalnet.co.uk>
To: "Stefan Persson" <alsjebegrijptwatikbedoel@yahoo.se>; "Andrew C. West"
<andrewcwest@alumni.princeton.edu>; <unicode@unicode.org>
Cc: <archive@ngo.globalnet.co.uk>
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 6:00 PM
Subject: Re: Tildes on vowels
> Well, why not go ahead and decide on two code points within the Private
> Area as values for XXXX and XXXY, post them in this list and perhaps that
> action will lead to that facility becoming available as a facility to
> document transcribers all around the world.
There have been several messages sent to this list about why this would be
inappropriate. Just read the answers to some of your recent discussions, and
you'll understand what I mean.
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