Typing Unicode via Alt+NumPad

From: Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin (antonio@tuvalkin.web.pt)
Date: Sat Aug 10 2002 - 11:37:53 EDT

I just posted to another list: On Thursday, August 08, 2002, Jorge
Candeias wrote:

> all characters are accessible by keying down their numeric code while
> pressing the ALT key. The codes can be obtained from a number of
> sources (and vary from laguage pack to language pack, though all
> western european languages are included in just one pack), <...> The
> character ß, for instance, is ALT-0223... so I can write straße
> without problems. :)

Yes, but this works only inside the currently selected code-page, which
is 1-byte (256 chars max). Jorge, using CP1251 (aka ANSI, silimar to
Latin1 aka ISO 8859-1), can type a german ess-zet or an icelandic thorn,
but not a cyrillic hard sign, nor an arabic meem, nor a devanagari

Which is a pity, since all those chars are usable for other
manipulations in every versions of Windows ever since Win98. Hopefully
the Alt+NumPad trick will be implemented soon in Windows and other
systems allowing general and keyboard- and application-independent
typing of any given Unicode char.

-- ____.
António MARTINS-Tuválkin, | ()|
<antonio@tuvalkin.web.pt> |####|
R. Laureano de Oliveira, 64 r/c esq. |
PT-1885-050 MOSCAVIDE (LRS) Não me invejo de quem tem |
+351 917 511 549 carros, parelhas e montes |
http://www.tuvalkin.web.pt/bandeira/ só me invejo de quem bebe |
http://pagina.de/bandeiras/ a água em todas as fontes |

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