Re: Furigana

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 10:51:43 EDT

At 12:11 -0700 2002-08-08, Kenneth Whistler wrote:

>Ah, but read the caveats carefully. The Unicode interlinear
>annotation characters are *not* intended for interchange, unlike
>the HTML4 <ruby> tag. See TUS 3.0, p. 326. They are, essentially,
>internal-use anchor points.

What does this mean? That if I have a text all nice and marked up
with furigana in Quark I can't export it to Word and reimport it in
InDesign and expect my nice marked up text to still be marked up?

Surely all Unicode/10646 characters are expected to be preserved in
interchange. What have I got wrong, Ken?

Michael Everson *** Everson Typography ***

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