Re: Is U+0140 (l with middle dot) ever used?

From: John Cowan (
Date: Tue Aug 13 2002 - 22:16:27 EDT

Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin scripsit:

> As for the nature of the middle dot, short of a specific code point
> attributed to LATIN LETTER CATALAN MIDDLE DOT, there should be something
> ensuring that this character can be treaded as a letter for all things
> refering to word delimitation (smart select, line break, word count,
> etc.).

But it is also a punctuation mark and a math operator.
Like most ASCII and Latin-1 symbols, it's heavily overloaded.

John Cowan
Consider the matter of Analytic Philosophy.  Dennett and Bennett are well-known.
Dennett rarely or never cites Bennett, so Bennett rarely or never cites Dennett.
There is also one Dummett.  By their works shall ye know them.  However, just as
no trinities have fourth persons (Zeppo Marx notwithstanding), Bummett is hardly
known by his works.  Indeed, Bummett does not exist.  It is part of the function
of this and other e-mail messages, therefore, to do what they can to create him.

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