At 12:07 -0700 2002-08-14, James Kass wrote:
>Michael Everson wrote in response to William Overington,
>> I suggest you stop calling it the "golden ligatures collection". This
>> term imputes a status and nobility to it which it simply doesn't
>> have. Indeed, I suggest that you abandon this task and use
>> appropriate font technology to achieve your aims.
>> --
>Appropriate font technology for Latin ligature display exists,
>but it isn't enabled yet in Microsoft's Uniscribe.*
That doesn't mean that this particular cataloguing of ligatures in
the PUA is a good idea.
>The Golden Ligatures Collection simply offers font developers
>and end users an opportunity to make use of some rather
>interesting ligatures in a consistent, although non-standard,
That doesn't make it a good idea.
>Some font developers might even elect to map Latin ligature glyphs
>to GLC code positions in addition to offerring GSUB OpenType
>substitution tables.
Heaven forfend.
-- Michael Everson *** Everson Typography ***
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