Re: FW: New version of TR29:

From: John Cowan (
Date: Tue Aug 20 2002 - 14:43:47 EDT

Michael Everson scripsit:

> U+02BC will have a place in the alphabet and affect sorting in
> languages like Hawai'ian. U+2019 doesn't. The former is used as a
> letter; the latter is used as a mark of punctuation.

IIRC, practical San orthography ignores click letters for sorting purposes
though not for capitalization (the clicks are not capitalized, but neither
are following ordinary letters, unlike the rules of Arabic transliteration).
Whether something has a place in the alphabet depends on what "the alphabet"
is: in Pinyin romanization the "alphabet" follows bopomofo order and includes
digraphs and trigraphs.

"No, John.  I want formats that are actually       John Cowan
useful, rather than over-featured megaliths that
address all questions by piling on ridiculous
internal links in forms which are hideously
over-complex." --Simon St. Laurent on xml-dev

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