How to convert special characters into unicode?

From: SRIDHARAN Aravind (
Date: Wed Feb 05 2003 - 02:27:46 EST

  • Next message: Andrew C. West: "Re: 4701"

    How to get unicode values for special characters in Java?
    I have a set of Czech special characters?

    For LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON, the unicode is 010c and 010d ( for both upper and lower cases).
    And I got this value from a PDF chart(u0100.odf) in

    I have Czech special characters in an excel file.
    I copy them into Notepad.
    I save them.

    Now I use native2ascii convertor that is available with JDK.
    After I run this utility, I am getting some other unicode values or sometimes only whitespaces come out.
    I don't know why?

    Please let me know how I convert special characters into unicode.
    Thank you.


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