[OT] Re: Converting EBCDIC to Unicode

From: Doug Ewell (dewell@adelphia.net)
Date: Wed Feb 12 2003 - 12:03:22 EST

  • Next message: Roozbeh Pournader: "Re: Glyph of Pipeline Characters ?"

    Carl W. Brown <cbrown at xnetinc dot com> wrote:

    > That is true. The half width katakana did replace the small roman
    > letters. In those days one rarely used lower case and Japanese
    > support was usually limited to katakana. It let people replace the
    > print train with an English/Japanese one and not make any other
    > application changes other than messages and text. Just try to write
    > in C/C++ without lower case.

    Absolutely true. But in the 1960s, C had not yet been invented (let
    alone C++) and the dominant programming languages were FORTRAN, COBOL,
    PL/I, and a newly invented beginner's language called BASIC. Even
    today, code in those languages is typically all-uppercase -- even the
    names of the languages themselves are all-uppercase!

    (Yes, I know "C" is all-uppercase too. And no, don't tell me about
    Visual Basic, which is as different from the original 1964 BASIC as C is
    from Pascal.)

    -Doug Ewell
     Fullerton, California

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