Unicode 4.0 BETA available for review

From: Asmus Freytag (asmusf@ix.netcom.com)
Date: Thu Feb 20 2003 - 16:19:21 EST

  • Next message: Werner LEMBERG: "Re: [OpenType] PS glyph `phi' vs `phi1'"

    The next version of the Unicode Standard will be
    Version 4.0.0, due for release in September, 2003.

    A BETA version of the updated Unicode Character
    Database files is available for public comment.
    We strongly encourage implementers to download
    these files and test them with their programs,
    well before the end of the beta period.

    For location of the BETA files, known issues,
    and how to report corrections, see


    The comment period ends March 21, 2003. However,
    comments that are not editorial will need to be
    reviewed by the Unicode Technical Committee (UTC).
    Comments received by March 3, 2003 will be in time
    to be reviewed at the next meeting of the UTC.

    Asmus Freytag
    Technical Vice President
    The Unicode Consortium

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Thu Feb 20 2003 - 16:52:16 EST