From: Michael Everson (
Date: Wed Dec 03 2003 - 06:04:03 EST
At 04:12 +0100 2003-12-03, Philippe Verdy wrote:
>No contradiction here: the default glyphs in Apple's LastResort font
>show the English name of the script block TWICE (on the top and
>bottom borders of the surrounding thick frame).
That isn't true. That is only true in the case of one-word block
names. Plenty of other block names are long, like ARABIC PRESENTATION
>Note that this does not require to include the true glyphs for
>characters of the localized name in the font, but a simplified version
>of them which is readable enough to be read, so even a bitmap version
>of the whole name could be used if the font is hinted to display that
>bitmap in the border only when the border thickness is large enough to
>display it. So there's no need to create very precise and beautiful
>letter forms for these indicators which should use a simple sans-serif
>stroke style to reduce the size of these last resort glyphs and of the
>whole LastResort font.
Please stop discussing font design, Philippe, if you wish to avoid offence.
-- Michael Everson * * Everson Typography * *
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