From: Hannes Mayer (
Date: Sun Aug 08 2004 - 06:29:16 CDT
Peter Jacobi wrote:
> Hi Hannes,
> That is not a Mozilla defect at all. It's a font problem. Testing with
> Mozilla 1.7, ν̄ displays a fine Anti-Neutrino sign.
> Mozilla does some sort of automatic font discovery to select a font which
> can display a particular character. The downside of this is, that I can't
> really state, which font is used to display this character.
> Testing with Wordpad, it seems that at least Code 2000, SIL Doulos and
> Legendum can display the anti-neutrino sign.
Thank you very much Doug and Peter!
did you test it on Linux or on Windows ?
I just discovered that it works on Linux/Mozilla (Fedora2) in the opposite order
if I don't specify any font in the html document.
As soon as I specify a certain font, the macron is displayed on the right or left
again. That is strange. (below is an example with all combinations)
Thank you again!
Best regards,
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
.cc { font-family: Arial; font-size: 14px; font-weight: normal; }
<span class="cc">TEST- ̄ν -TEST</span>
<span class="cc">TEST- ν̄ -TEST</span>
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