Re: sign for anti-neutrino - greek nu with diacritical line aboveworkaround ?

From: Raymond Mercier (
Date: Sun Aug 08 2004 - 10:55:06 CDT

  • Next message: Philipp Reichmuth: "Re: Professional desktop publishing for minority complex scripts in Unicode: XeTeX and UltraXML"

    Peter Jacobi:
    >Testing with Mozilla 1.7, ν̄ displays a fine Anti-Neutrino
    So you say, but the following works in IE6, and Opera, but not in Mozilla
    1.7. What is the problem ?

    <body >
    <span lang=EN-GB >&#x3bd;</span><span lang=EN-GB

    In Mozilla only the nu shows.

    And if I change
    <span lang=EN-GB >&#x3bd;</span><span lang=EN-GB
    <span lang=EN-GB >&#x3bd;</span>
    <span lang=EN-GB style='font-family:Cardo'>&#x304;</span>

    then in IE6 the macron is shifted to the right.
    What is going on ?
    Raymond Mercier

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