Re: Combining across markup? (Was: RE: sign for anti-neutrino - g ree k nu with diacritical line aboveworkaround ?)

From: Jon Hanna (
Date: Tue Aug 10 2004 - 11:13:34 CDT

  • Next message: Jon Hanna: "RE: Combining across markup? (Was: RE: sign for anti-neutrino - g ree k nu with diacritical line aboveworkaround ?)"

    Quoting Philipp Reichmuth <>:

    > Jon Hanna schrieb:
    > > The W3C Character Model does not, or will not since it's not yet a
    > > Recommendation, allow text nodes or attribute values to begin with
    > defective
    > > combining character sequences.
    > What am I supposed do when I need a black a with a red macron? Or for a
    > less obscure example, an Arabic text with the letters correctly ligated,
    > in black, and the vowel marks in another colour, such as in practically
    > *any* printed edition of the Koran?

    The former sounds more like drawing than writing, and is something SVG will
    handle easily. The latter sounds like text the colour of which is black with
    another colour for the vowel marks rather than alternating pieces of text in
    different colours. Indeed the latter demonstrates well that using separate
    markup for coloured diacritics would be neither an efficient task, nor one that
    makes any sense with semantic markup, for a real-world use case.

    Contra to your examples, what is a parser meant to do when it encounters the
    greater-than symbol indicating the end of an element's tag followed by a
    combining solidus, meaning that the two characters together are canonically
    equivalent to the not greater-than symbol?

    Jon Hanna
    "I don't like to LOOK out of the windows even - there are so many of those 
    creeping women, and they creep so fast."
    - Charlotte Perkins Gilman, _The Yellow Wallpaper_

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