From: Jon Hanna (
Date: Tue Aug 10 2004 - 12:33:05 CDT
> Clarification, please. Does this mean that the code:
> <span lang=EN-GB >ν</span><span lang=EN-GB
> style='font-family:Cardo'>̄</span>
> will be considered illegal due to the freestanding ̄ ?
Well leaving out the quotes around tokens is old-fashioned anyway, and I don't
know if it will apply to HTML4.01 and earlier.
As for modern markup, consider if instead of ̄ you had ̸
By the rules of XML that is treated as if the character U+0338 was there rather
than the escape sequence.
By the rules of Unicode the sequence U+003E, U+0338 is treated the same as the
character U+226F.
By the rules of XML replacing ≯ with U+226F would mean the document was
no longer well-formed.
So even without an explicit spec saying otherwise the above would be
-- Jon Hanna <> …it has been truly said that hackers have even more words for equipment failures than Yiddish has for obnoxious people." - jargon.txt
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