RE: Combining across markup? (Was: RE: sign for anti-neutrino - g ree k nu with diacritical line aboveworkaround ?)

From: Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk (
Date: Tue Aug 10 2004 - 13:07:09 CDT

  • Next message: D. Starner: "Re: Combining across markup? (Was: RE: sign for anti-neutrino - gree k nu with diacritical line aboveworkaround ?)"

    W liście z wto, 10-08-2004, godz. 18:33 +0100, Jon Hanna napisał:

    > By the rules of XML replacing ≯ with U+226F would mean the document was
    > no longer well-formed.

    Really? I don't have a XML spec handy, but character references like
    ̸ can't be processed before parsing tags, because &60; is the
    literal character "<", not the start of a tag.

       __("<         Marcin Kowalczyk

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