Re: Word dividers, was: proposals I wrote (and also, didn't write)

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Wed Dec 08 2004 - 05:28:35 CST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: shaping rule? Re: proposals I wrote (and also, didn't write)"

    On 08/12/2004 09:18, Michael Everson wrote:

    > At 22:36 -0500 2004-12-07, John Cowan wrote quoted Peter Kirk:
    >> > But there is already in the pipeline a PHOENICIAN WORD SEPARATOR
    >> [...] The glyphs for
    >> > all of these seem indistinguishable, and so are the functions. The
    >> only
    >> > difference seems to be the scripts they are associated with, but
    >> > punctuation marks are supposed to be not tied to individual scripts.
    > Read the proposal. It is not always a dot.
    OK. But the short vertical line version is either a glyph variant or a
    separate character. You have chosen to propose a glyph variant, rather
    than a separate character as for Aegean: U+10100 AEGEAN WORD SEPARATOR
    LINE. I'm not sure why the difference, but I will assume that you know
    what you are doing. But is the existence of a glyph variant attested
    only in one language sufficient evidence against unification? Cyrillic P
    has different glyph variants in Russian and Serbian, but they are not
    therefore considered different characters.

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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