Unicode Mail List Archive
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Starting: Wed Dec 01 2004 - 10:05:25 CST
Ending: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 20:07:47 CST
- [OT?] Uniscribe for Malayalam and Oriya
- Amendment 2
- Arial Unicode MS
- atnah hafukh
- Character disunification
- Character disunification (was: atnah hafukh)
- CLDR locales: Filipino (fil/ph?) Pilipino/Tagalog (tl/tlg)
- current version of unicode font (Open Type) in e-mails
- current version of unicode-font
- Danda disunification
- FYI: String comparison
- If only MS Word was coded this well
- Invalid UTF-8 sequences
- Invalid UTF-8 sequences)
- Is it roundtripping or transfer-encoding
- ISO 10646 compliance and EU law
- IUC27 Unicode, Cultural Diversity, and Multilingual Computing / Africa is forgotten once again.
- Job postings on the Unicode list
- Kurdish gaf variant
- latin equivalent to specific indian characters
- Marking Elongated script in scholarly editions
- Myanmar script, Pali language and other unencoded conjuncts or punctuations
- NEH Support for Unicode Script Encoding Project
- New Public Review Issue posted
- New Public Review Issue posted)
- Nicest UTF
- Nicest UTF - string case mapping vs. UTF-8/32
- Nicest UTF)
- Nicest UTF.. UTF-9, UTF-36, UTF-80, UTF-64, ...
- No Invisible Character - NBSP at the start of a word
- OpenType not for Open Communication?
- OpenType vs TrueType
- OpenType vs TrueType (was current version of unicode-font)
- Please RSVP... (was: US-ASCII)
- Pour sauver la patrimoine de l'Imprimerie Nationale de France
- proposals I wrote (and also, didn't write)
- Roadmapped scripts
- Roundtri pping in Unicode)
- Roundtripping in Uni code)
- Roundtripping in Unico de)
- Roundtripping in Unicode
- Roundtripping in Unicode)
- Roundtripping Solved
- Roundtripping Solved)
- Samaritan
- Simplified Chinese radical set in Unihan
- Software support costs (was: Nicest UTF
- Software support costs (was: Nicest UTF)
- Subj: Displaying Chinese characters and Chu Nom characters
- Unicode filenames and other external strings on Unix - existing practice
- Unicode for words?
- Unicode HTML, download
- Unicode Ruby
- Unicode Suppoprt in Mobile Phone
- Unicode Version 4.1.0 Beta Release
- When to validate?
- Word dividers, was: proposals I wrote (and also, didn't write)
Last message date: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 20:07:47 CST
Archived on: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 20:07:51 CST
463 messages sorted by:
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This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5
: Fri Dec 31 2004 - 20:07:51 CST