From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Wed Dec 20 2006 - 13:40:55 CST
Philippe Verdy <verdy underscore p at wanadoo dot fr> wrote:
> shouldn' it be
> * zh-min-nan-Latn-TW
> * zh-min-nan-Hant-TW
> i.e. with **two** extlang subtags?
Grandfathered tags can't be combined with other subtags, as Addison just
said about "i-ami".
In any case, the use of region subtag "TW" here seems superfluous unless
it is likely there are varieties of Min Nan other than the Taiwan
> I note that Wikipedia currently uses "zh-min-nan" for Minnan
> (independantly of the script used or the geographic region), not
> "zh-nan" ; are there other "Min" variants?
cdo Chinese, Min Dong
czo Chinese, Min Zhong
mnp Chinese, Min Bei
nan Chinese, Min Nan
When RFC 4646bis is approved and published, "zh-min-nan" will be
deprecated in favor of the regular "zh-nan". It would be nice if
Wikipedia migrated from "zh-min-nan" to "zh-nan" at that point, but
they're not obligated to do so.
-- Doug Ewell * Fullerton, California, USA * RFC 4645 * UTN #14
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