RE: Regulating PUA.

From: Ruszlan Gaszanov (
Date: Wed Jan 24 2007 - 10:19:26 CST

  • Next message: Marion Gunn: "Re: Proposing UTF-21/24"

    Philippe Verdy wrote:

    > I never asked for blocking PUAs on the web. Just that using them on the web should

    > require an explicit protocol, and that the absence of such protocol is a severe
    > issue, which also exposes users to security risks (notably if they need to install
    >some site-specific software to get acces to the content), as well as bad mutual
    > understanding and incorrect interpretations, if the only protocol consists in
    > describing the protocol using a non-understandable humane language.

    'To read this page properly, you need SuchNSuch font' is basically translated to
    HTML as <font face="SuchNSuch">...</font> ;)


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