Re: Unihan/CJK Radical bone character slightly mirrored?

From: John H. Jenkins (
Date: Mon Mar 12 2007 - 10:27:03 CST

  • Next message: Rick McGowan: "New Public Review Issue: Proposed Update UAX #14"

    On Mar 11, 2007, at 6:30 PM, wrote:

    > these are considered to be equivalent in unicode, which means you
    > need the unicode codepoint plus some other marker.
    > One way is described in

    Using the registry in this fashion really isn't necessary. You simply
    need to specify through any standard high-level mechanism whether your
    target locale is the PRC (or Singapore) or anywhere else. If you're
    targeting the PRC/Singapore, use the lower-left form. If you're
    targeting any other locale, use the lower-right form.

    John H. Jenkins

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