New Public Review Issue: Proposed Update UAX #14

From: Rick McGowan (
Date: Mon Mar 12 2007 - 13:08:47 CST

  • Next message: Frank Ellermann: "Re: ISO 6429 control sequences with non-ASCII CES's"

    The Unicode Technical Committee has posted a new issue for public review
    and comment. Details are on the following web page:


    Review period for the new item closes on May 8, 2007.

    Please see the page for links to discussion and relevant documents.
    Briefly, the new issue is:

    PRI #105 Proposed Update to UAX #14: Line Breaking Properties

    This proposed update for UAX#14 updates the description of linebreak
    classes with the line break properties in the beta version of the Unicode
    Character Database, version 5.0.1. The rules were updated to support the
    sequence <SHY, NBHY> for languages such as Polish and Portuguese. The
    conformance clause was updated to propose additional language on
    permissible higher level protocols. The entire text has been reviewed, and
    improved in a number of places, to make it easier to normatively reference
    this UAX from other specifications. Owners of other specifications (higher
    level protocols) are particularly encouraged to review this proposed
    update. Note: the line breaking rules for Ethiopic are under separate

    If you have comments for official UTC consideration, please post them by
    submitting your comments through our feedback & reporting page:

    If you wish to discuss issues on the Unicode mail list, then please
    use the following link to subscribe (if necessary). Please be aware
    that discussion comments on the Unicode mail list are not automatically
    recorded as input to the UTC. You must use the reporting link above
    to generate comments for UTC consideration.

            Rick McGowan
            Unicode, Inc.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Mon Mar 12 2007 - 13:11:25 CST