Re : Arabic numbers

From: Gilbert Sneed (
Date: Wed Mar 14 2007 - 18:17:33 CST

  • Next message: John Hudson: "Re: Arabic numbers"

    Dear Sirs,

    I am not a specialist in Arabic language but I have already seen
    Egyptian or Algerian banknotes and coins : what you can read on them
    is what James calls Indian numbers.
    So I think young people in Arabic language lands always use them for
    any numbering usage.

    Best regards,

    Gilbert Sneed

    2007/3/15, Behnam <>:
    > I'm afraid I don't have all the answers but few clarifications.
    > What you call 'Arabic Numbers' (as opposed to Roman numeral) refers
    > to 10 digits numeral system which was invented in Arab civilization.
    > Until modern time, it was never displayed as 123...
    > In Arabic language it is displayed as you typed it and it is not
    > indic. Indic numeral have different shape for some numbers as ٤ ٥ ٦
    > which are shaped as ۴ ۵ ۶
    > As far as I know, those who use these numbers call 1234..., numbers
    > in English!
    > But they are used in some regions (English numbers)
    > The reaction to forcing kids to use English numbers may vary from
    > tolerated to outrage!
    > Behnam
    > On 14-Mar-07, at 6:14 PM, James Tu wrote:
    > > I apologize if this is slightly off topic...
    > >
    > > We are working on a kid's website that targets 5 languages and one
    > > of them is Arabic. We were wondering whether we should be using
    > > 0123456789 (arabic numbers) vs ٠١٢٣٤٣٥٦٧٨٩ (indian
    > > numbers, I found out that the real Arabic numbers are called indian
    > > numbers. :) ) This will mostly be used when a user is entering
    > > and ID number to log into the site.
    > >
    > > On an Arabic keyboard, there is the 'normal' row of arabic numbers
    > > 0123456789. But on the same keys they have the corresponding
    > > indian numbers, used for Arabic.
    > > Can anyone help me understand the usage pattern for Arabic speakers
    > > with these hybrid keyboards. (supposedly, some people doing
    > > research found that kids learn Indian numbers and then start using
    > > Arabic 0123456789 numbers later)
    > > - When an Arabic speaker uses their computer and when she types
    > > numbers, does the operating system default to 0123456789, or does
    > > it default to Arabic numbers?
    > >
    > > How 'bad' would it be if we required that kids use 0123456789?
    > >
    > > -James
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >

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