RE: Arabic numbers

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Wed Mar 14 2007 - 19:40:52 CST

  • Next message: Behnam: "Re: Arabic numbers"

    > De : [] De la
    > part de Gilbert Sneed
    > Envoyé : jeudi 15 mars 2007 01:18
    > À : Behnam
    > Cc : James Tu;
    > Objet : Re : Arabic numbers
    > Dear Sirs,
    > I am not a specialist in Arabic language but I have already seen
    > Egyptian or Algerian banknotes and coins : what you can read on them
    > is what James calls Indian numbers.
    > So I think young people in Arabic language lands always use them for
    > any numbering usage.

    Banknotes and coins are not really representative: they often carry a
    cultural interest, but most people do not read what is effectively written
    on them; they recognize the banknotes and coins only by their general

    It is much more significant to look at what is used on popular medias
    (newspapers, TV subtitles, Internet sites, advertizing...), in educational
    material (school books, ...) money checks, commercial contracts, job payment
    bills, products and services billing, price displaying in shops, tax

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