Re: Emoticons

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Thu Oct 11 2007 - 01:24:49 CDT

  • Next message: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: New FAQ page"

    Marion Gunn <mgunn at egt dot ie> wrote:

    > Thanks, Frank, for confirming what I thought I already knew, but was
    > beginning to doubt. My internal terminologist, as some on this list
    > know, tends to get a bit bothered at the inconsistent use of
    > terminology - for example, when unnecessary new terms are invented,
    > seemingly on a whim (not a judgment statement, only an observation)
    > it creates difficulties for and wastes the time of those wishing to
    > scan the net for related information before commenting on new
    > developments - for example, if "emoticon" is now mostly accepted as
    > the standard term for what I still think of as a "smiley", then,
    > unless one has personal memory of or other access to the history of
    > same, it may not be obvious to people even one year hence that a
    > search for "smiley" "smileys" or "smilies" may be needed instead. I
    > don't mean to be pedantic, only reacting against what I hope is a
    > passing fashion of inventing unncessary new terms, which can be
    > endemic in some circles, lest it reach plague level.

    We didn't invent the term.

    Doug Ewell * Fullerton, California, USA * RFC 4645 * UTN #14

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