From: Christoph Burgmer (
Date: Mon Jul 13 2009 - 04:43:07 CDT
Am Montag, 13. Juli 2009 schrieb Robert Abel:
> Hi,
> are you sure it is supposed to look like the scans you provided? It
> might be that the printing for the book was fairly limited and could not
> account for these characters' true glyphs?
> I would personally go with <U+0064><U+0325>, this provides d̥ for me
> which has the circle right under the d with an appropriate font.
> -->
> How encourage this is I don't know, but at least it would conform to IPA
> as in being voiceless or nearly so.
Interesting point.
My guess though is that it just might be a subscript Latin O, for "_o_ptional
neutral tone".
I can check W. Simon's books on GR that are quoted for reference, and see how
it renders there.
I think I posed the wrong question in the beginning. How to know which
character to use if all I have is printed material that probably used rich-
text information to render the glyph.
Am I wrong looking for a plain-text solution? I believe a Romanisation is so
basic it should be expressible in plain-text.
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