Case mappings

From: QSJN 4 UKR (
Date: Mon Dec 06 2010 - 07:19:16 CST

  • Next message: karl williamson: "Re: Samogitian E with dot above and macron"

    There is writed in FAQ "Take the word "anglo-American" or the Italian
    word "vederLa". Once you uppercase, lowercase or titlecase these
    strings, you can't recover the original just by performing the reverse
    operation". Why so stupid?
    All we need for the reversibility of the case conversion operations is
    two control characters. The first (let it be {F}) indicates that
    letter should not be changed by ToUpper, ToLower, ToTitlecase
    functions. The second ({T}) indicates the letter for "titlecasing"
    except the first in line one. For exsample:
    the {T}man and the {T}planet {F}Earth
    The {T}Man and the {T}Planet {F}Earth
    So my question is Why we have bidi-algorithm and RLE, LRO, PDF etc.,
    have arabian shaping and ZWJ, ZWNJ etc., have casing and have NOTHING
    for control it, why?

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