Re: Case mappings

From: Andrey V. Lukyanov (
Date: Tue Dec 07 2010 - 08:11:48 CST

  • Next message: André Szabolcs Szelp: "Re: Breath marks and crossbar-I?"

    On Tue, 7 Dec 2010, QSJN 4 UKR wrote:

    > CSS can't work correctly. For example, word  "μm" (micrometer) should
    > be in lowercase (not megameter!) even if it is a part of <span
    > style=text-transform: uppercase>, so we need some kind of markup for
    > the cases like this.

    CSS can handle all cases. With your "μm" example, you should write e. g.

    <p style="text-transform: uppercase"> ...some text... <span
    style="text-transform: none">μm</span> ...some text... </p>

    With this, you can make the whole paragraph uppercase or lowercase, but
    "μm" will always remain lowercase.


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