Re: Playing cards....

From: Fr�d�ric Grosshans (
Date: Thu Dec 16 2010 - 12:35:47 CST

  • Next message: Karl Pentzlin: "Re: Playing cards...."

    Le jeudi 16 décembre 2010 à 18:41 +0100, Karl Pentzlin a écrit :
    > CF> Since there are two empty rows in the Playing Cards block (1F0A0
    > CF> 1F0FF) would it be worth adding symbols for five and six suit
    > decks?
    > They are intended for the 21 trump cards (atouts) and the Fool
    > (l'excuse)
    > of the French Tarot playing card set, see

    Why have this 22 cards be omitted in the first encoding ?


    Frédéric Grosshans
    Chargé de Recherche
    Laboratoire de Photonique Quantique et Moléculaire
    ENS Cachan / CNRS UMR 8437
    tel: (+33)1 47 40 77 15
    GSM: (+33)6 09 24 29 64

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