From: Martin J. Dürst (
Date: Tue Mar 08 2011 - 20:31:45 CST
On 2011/03/09 5:54, Ken Whistler wrote:
> On 3/8/2011 12:12 PM, Tiago Estill de Noronha wrote:
>> And what if for some new use it becomes practical to write numbers
>> digit by digit in base 360?
There is a big if in there. There are extremely few (if not no) people
who can truly thing in base 360.
> For example, suppose I needed, for some reason, the write the number
> 1927631 (base 10) expressed
> in base 360. The base 360 digits for that are 14, 314, and 191. I could
> then easily
> express the number as {{14},{314},{191}}_360
Which, for base 60, the base greater than 10 that virtually everybody is
most familiar with, is exactly what happens.
Example: I wrote this at 11:28:35 (or thereabouts) local time.
Regards, Martin.
-- #-# Martin J. Dürst, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University #-#
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