From: JP Blankert (thuis & PC based) (
Date: Thu Mar 10 2011 - 18:04:12 CST
Dear unicoders,
I will add to you misery by adding an even more stupid question than
'invented characters':
invented colours = other colors than black, can that ever be part of
character coding?
(I know colors are put in another statement in html, but to try think
beyond borders).
Invented signs or colors could commercially be very valuable in domain
names. If for example coca cola could encode such that nor 'lettertype'
nor color would be 'neutralised' in a domain name, and it would be the
first drink to achieve this, it would have an impact.
(not that I am in favour of invented signs/colours, just testing whether
it is possible when a big company wants it. Out of 10 stupid questions
often 1 proves accidentally to be visionary).
Philippe Blankert
On 10-3-2011 20:22, Michael Everson wrote:
> On 10 Mar 2011, at 16:41, Peter Constable wrote:
>>> Consider, for example, my idea of localizable sentences.
>> Which, you have been told many times, is a bad idea.
> Come on, Peter. You really need a curmudgeon's hat. Since you haven't got one, I'll put it on.
> William.
> Look.
> You obviously don't get it. What you propose is IMPOSSIBLE.
> Now, since you don't believe me, please go and buy Arika Okrent's book The Land of Invented Languages and read the chapter "John Wilkins and the Language of Truth". What you propose is just exactly what Wilkins proposed, and he could not succeed because it is IMPOSSIBLE.
> So give over, already.
> Michael Everson *
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